Thursday, June 15, 2006

PIG ahead

I know winter seems a long way off, but while you roast in August have a think about PIG during the cold wet months. As more people come along (fab) it becomes more awkward to hold PIG in each others homes. If we joined up with an association then we'd have the right to book ourselves into a Maison Pour Tous - I'm particularly thinking of the lovely modern one that IEAM use. Either we become an association (serious) or hook up with BCA/IEAM or just let things carry on as they are.

Ladies, your opinions please in the comments... perhaps we need a PIG night out to officially discuss this. Any excuse huh!


Wendy Johnson said...

Are we not affiliated to BCA anyway? half and half? Yes I think it would make things a lot easier if we had a set meet point... on set dates - then one off people who might show up on the off chance???

Madame B said...

PIg started through contacts made via the BCA but last year we all decided to go it alone - saves the joining fee at least. People still find us through the BCA but PIG is not part of any official organisation. It's informal - which explains why meetings can be illness/weather/patio dependant. A pain I know but the alternative is committee life.

Grande Personne said...

So what exactly would we have to do to be able to use the lovely Melina Mercouri space? Does it cost money to become an association? Or can we formally affiliate ourselves to IEAM (which I am all up for) and do it that way? I'd be happy to join you and everyone else for a drink one evening to talk it over, if you or anyone else happens to have any of the answers. Anyone fancy meeting for a summer's evening drink and chat on July 3, 4 or 5, for example?

Wendy Johnson said...

It costs something like Euro32 to become an association... we'd have to do committee meetings / have presidents / vps / tresorers etc...

Madame B said...

32 euros, sounds like a bargain to me. That's almost the price of one family membership elsewhere. How about we meet on the 4th of July and drink to independence PIG style. Where's good for you Wendy and us Montpellier people at the same time?

Wendy Johnson said...

just a thought: for an association to use a foyer or maison de assocation... cheaply it has to have a min of 12 members in that village / town. The president of an assocation is legally liable for it... not so other committee members...
Spose it's best for me to come down to MPL

Grande Personne said...

So where do we go from here (apart from going quietly mad in the heat for the next two months?) We sort of discussed this on the Bamboo day out and everyone seemed to agree it was a Jolly Good Idea (I think - shout if you disagree!) so Helen, over to you: I guess you'll speak to Nathalie and let us know what we have to do next. I'm all ready to sign up for IEAM from la rentree, if you need me to do anything else to help this PIG/IEAM idea along, let me know.

Madame B said...

So far it looks like IEAM are as keen as we are, so hopefully I'll some news for you all on this soon. I'll keep you posted...

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